@charset "UTF-8"; /** * Ubuntu Patterns Stylesheet * * The CSS file required by Ubuntu patterns page * * @project Ubuntu Patterns * @author Web Team at Canonical Ltd * @copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd * * @see http://design.ubuntu.com */ /** * standard colors * * @colordef standard colors */ /* assets database path */ $asset-path: "//assets.ubuntu.com/sites/ubuntu/latest/u/img/"; /* usage: background: url(#{$asset-path}/backgrounds/background.jpg) no-repeat 0 0; */ $ubuntu-orange: #dd4814; /* ubuntu orange (used for text links also on any site except canonical) */ $light-orange: #fdf6f2; /* used as background on pre text */ $canonical-aubergine: #772953; /* canonical aubergine */ $light-aubergine: #77216f; /* light aubergine (consumer) */ $mid-aubergine: #5e2750; /* mid aubergine (both) */ $dark-aubergine: #2c001e; /* dark aubergine (enterprise) */ $warm-grey: #888888; /* warm grey */ $cool-grey: #333333; /* cool grey */ $light-grey: #f7f7f7; /* light grey */ /* notifications */ $error: #df382c; /* red */ $warning: #eca918; /* yellow */ $success: #38b44a; /* green */ $information: #19b6ee; /* cyan */ /* colour coded status - from negative to positive (Icon: canonical circle) */ $status-red: #df382c; /* red, for status that require immediate attention */ $status-grey: #888888; /* grey, for disabled status or ones that don’t require attention */ $status-yellow: #efb73e; /* yellow, for status that require attention */ $status-blue: #19b6ee; /* blue, for status that don’t require action */ $status-green: #38b44a; /* green, for positive status */ /* misc colours */ $box-solid-grey: #efefef; $link-color: $ubuntu-orange; /* This is the global link color, mainly used for links in content */ /* grid variables */ $base: 14; $gutter-width: 20px; $grid-gutter: 20px; $gutter: 2.12766%; $one-col: 6.38297%; $two-col: 14.89361%; $three-col: 23.40425%; $four-col: 31.91489%; $five-col: 40.42553%; $six-col: 48.93617%; $seven-col: 57.4468%; $eight-col: 65.95744%; $nine-col: 74.46808%; $ten-col: 82.97872%; $eleven-col: 91.48936%; $nav-bg: #f0f0f0; $nav-link-color: #333; $nav-border-dark: #d4d7d4; $nav-border-light: #f2f2f4; $nav-hover-bg: #d0d0d0; $nav-active-bg: #ddd; $breakpoint-medium: "only screen and (min-width: 768px)"; $breakpoint-large: "only screen and (min-width: 984px)"; @media only screen and (min-width : 768px) { $base: 15; } @media only screen and (min-width: 984px) { $base: 14; }